
Idol Fighter Su-Chi-Pai DVD (region 1)

Idol Fighter Su-Chi-Pai

Suchie-Pai OVA, Clear the Suchie-Pai and bonus (few wallpapers and 2 desktop accessories from Fan Disc)

They added bonus from FanDisc...BUT...
since Miyuri and some other girls are not in the OVA, they only used main characters...
only 15 wallpapers(5 girls x 3 sizes) and clock and calendar.
they removed other character from clock and calendar as well.
(also removed all the voices from the accessories)
I don't know why they didn't include the calculator (they could simply remove the voices)

*I don't know where the name "Su-Chi-Pai" came from...
(still better than the stupid "Su-Chi-Pie")
There are english name Suchie-Pai on LD/VHS and Clear the Suchie-Pai!! video.
Almost all Suchie-Pai games have english name on cover or in the game.
They could have used the correct name if they researched even a little bit...
Hmm...funny thing is that the back of cover has "SuchiePai" on it...

more scan



CD art
*Jaleco is gone, but they used Jaleco Logo!

Screen Shots
Main menu
chapter menu for OVA
chapter menu for Clear the Suchie-Pai!!
bonus stuff section
It's great to see the OVA with subtitles.

*there is no nudity. They even completely removed Peach-Pai transformation scene...

Subtitles! by the way, english voice acting is... well...um...funny.
Here I go! Suchie-Stick!
bonus cosplay clip from Clear the Suchie-Pai!!
*Idol Fight Suchie-Pai II OVA also has similar cosplay clip, but they used clip from the Clear the Suchie-Pai video.

*all the bonus clips also have english voices. quite shocking X_X.

4 lines of subtitles!
hmm...no comment...
making of Idol Fight Suchie-Pai II
Then they removed the actual "CLEAR the suchie-Pai" part.
the clip of cleared pictures of girls for 4 different game system.

*I don't know why they even put this stupid message.

below screen shot is not from this DVD

sample screen shot from Clear the Suchie-Pai!!
(not in this DVD)

Scene like this is removed from the DVD
because of that, background song Hajime no itsuhoha watashikara is gone too
(sung by Yajima Akiko / Shiho in the anime).

Desktop Accessory differences

Clock and Calendar are basically same as Japanese version.
There are no voices in english version.

option menu for the clock
as you can see, Hirameki removed 3 girls since they are not in the OVA.

option menu for the calendar.
as you can see, Hirameki removed 3 girls since they are not in the OVA.
hmm... I don't know why they didn't include the calculator (they could just remove all voices and 3 girls from the list)